Opening song: O Come All Ye Faithful
Praise Song: “Angels From the Realms of Glory”
Song of Reflection: “O Little Town of Bethlehem”
Gospel Hymn: “What Child is This”
Scripture reading – The Christmas Story – Luke 2:1-20
Song of Response: “Go tell it on the Mountain”
Lighting of the candles: “Silent Night, Holy Night” “As the light makes its way from the first candle to the last, we light individual candles to signify the light of Christ coming into the world.”
Blessing – May God who has called us out of darkness into light, grant us the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, and the peace of the Christ child.
Sending Song – “Joy to the World”
Beautiful Father/Daughter song: O Holy Night – Mat and Savanna Shaw
Children’s Heartwarming Story: Frostheart: A Christmas to Remember
Thank You for your generous donations to St. Mark’s in 2024, and please note; we would appreciate receiving any additional donations for 2024 tax receipts by Sunday, Dec. 29th at 12 noon. If you wish to make a donation other than during services, you can drop a cheque in the locked black box outside the main doors at St. Mark’s or you can e-transfer a donation to stmarks-wellchurch@bellnet.ca (You’ll be asked to create a security question, you can use “What is Pastor’s last name”). It is only because of your support, that the ministry at St. Mark’s is able to happen.